Crypto functions in ZBrain Flow allow users to perform essential cryptographic operations, including hashing, generating HMAC signatures, and creating strong passwords. These actions help ensure data security, authentication, and encryption when processing sensitive information.
How to Integrate Crypto with ZBrain Flow?
To use Crypto in ZBrain Flow, follow these steps:
Click the '+' button in the Flow and search for Crypto.
Select the specific Crypto action you want to configure.
Choose from the following available actions:
Text to Hash: Convert text into a hash value using various hashing algorithms.
Generate HMAC Signature: Encrypt text using a secret key and hashing algorithms.
Generate Password: Create a secure, random password with customizable length and character sets.
Text to Hash
The Text to Hash action converts a given text string into a hashed value using cryptographic hash functions. Hashing is commonly used for password storage, data integrity verification, and digital signatures.
How to Configure Text to Hash in ZBrain Flow?
Select the hashing algorithm from the available options:
MD5 – A widely used cryptographic hash function that generates a 128-bit hash.
SHA256 – A more secure hashing function generating a 256-bit hash, commonly used in blockchain and encryption.
SHA512 – A stronger cryptographic function that produces a 512-bit hash value.
SHA3-512 – An advanced cryptographic hashing function offering better resistance to security vulnerabilities.
Enter the text that needs to be hashed in the Text input field.
Generate HMAC Signature
The Generate HMAC Signature action creates a cryptographic hash-based message authentication code (HMAC). This is used to verify the integrity and authenticity of a message using a secret key. HMAC is commonly used in API authentication, digital signatures, and secure data transmission.
How to Configure Generate HMAC Signature in ZBrain Flow?
Enter the secret key in the Secret Key field. This key is used to sign the message securely.
Select the secret key encoding format from the available options:
UTF-8 – Standard encoding for text data.
Hex – Represents the key in hexadecimal format.
Base64 – Encodes the key using Base64 format for easier transmission.
Choose the hashing algorithm for HMAC signature generation:
MD5 – Provides a 128-bit HMAC signature.
SHA256 – A more secure option that generates a 256-bit HMAC signature.
SHA512 – Provides an even stronger 512-bit HMAC signature.
Enter the text that needs to be hashed and signed.
Generate Password
The Generate Password action creates a strong, random password with a defined length and character set. This is useful for enhancing security by generating unpredictable passwords for authentication, encryption, and system access.
How to Configure Generate Password in ZBrain Flow?
Enter the desired password length (Maximum up to 256 characters).
Choose the character set for the password generation:
Alphanumeric – Generates a password containing letters and numbers (A-Z, a-z, 0-9).
Alphanumeric + Symbols – Generates a more complex password including special characters (e.g., !@#$%^&*).
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