HubSpot is a powerful CRM platform that offers tools for sales, customer service, and marketing automation.
How to Connect HubSpot to ZBrain Flow?
To integrate HubSpot with ZBrain Flow, follow these steps to select and utilize the desired capabilities:
Search for the HubSpot Component: Search the HubSpot component within the ZBrain interface.
Select the Required Capability: Here is a comprehensive list of desired capabilities offered by Hubspot integration:
Add contact To List
Add contact to list
Add Contact to Workflow
Adds a contact to a specified workflow in your HubSpot account.
Create Associations
Creates associations between objects
Create Company
Creates a company in Hubspot.
Create Contact
Creates a contact in Hubspot.
Create COS Blog Post
Creates a blog post in you Hubspot COS blog.
Create Custom Object
Creates a custom object in Hubspot.
Create Deal
Creates a new deal in Hubspot.
Create Line Item
Creates a line item in Hubspot.
Create or Update Contact
Creates a new contact or updates an existing contact based on email address.
Create Product
Creates a product in Hubspot.
Create Ticket
Creates a ticket in HubSpot.
Get Company
Gets a company.
Get Contact
Gets a contact.
Get Custom Object
Gets a custom object.
Get Deal
Gets a deal.
Get Line Item
Gets a line item.
Get Product
Gets a product.
Get Ticket
Gets a ticket.
Remove Associations
Removes assosiations between objects
Remove Contact from List
Remove a contact from a specific list.
Remove Email Subscription
Removes email subscription.
Update Company
Updates a company in Hubspot.
Update Contact
Updates a contact in Hubspot.
Update Custom Object
Updates a custom object in Hubspot.
Update Deal
Updates a deal in HubSpot.
Update Line Item
Updates a line item in Hubspot.
Update Product
Updates a product in Hubspot.
Update Ticket
Updates a ticket in HubSpot.
Upload File
Uploads a file to HubSpot File Manager.
Find Associations
Finds associations between objects
Find Company
Finds a company by searching.
Find Contact
Finds a contact by searching.
Find Custom Object
Finds a custom object by searching.
Find Deal
Finds a deal by searching.
Find Line Item
Finds a line item by searching.
Find Product
Finds a product by searching.
Find Ticket
Finds a ticket by searching.
Get Owner by Email
Gets an existing owner by email.
Get Owner by ID
Gets an existing owner by ID.
Get Pipeline Stage Details
Finds and retrives CRM object pipeline stage details.
Custom API Call
Make a custom API call to a specific endpoint
Additional Settings to Add Contact to List
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
List ID* - Enter the ID of the list to which the contact will be added.
Contact Email* - Provide the email address of the contact to be added.
Additional Settings to Add Contact to Workflow
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Workflow* - Enter the ID of the workflow to which the contact will be added.
Contact's Email* - Provide the email address of the contact to be added to the workflow.
Additional Settings to Create Associations
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
From Object ID* - The ID of the object being associated.
From Object Type* - The type of the object being associated (e.g., contact, company).
To Object Type* - The type of the objects the "from object" is being associated with (e.g., deal, ticket).
Type of the Association* - The specific type of association being created (e.g., contact to deal, company to contact).
To Object IDs* - The IDs of the objects the "from object" is being associated with.
Additional Settings to Create Company and Contact
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
name, domain, industry, about_us, phone, address, address2, city, state, zip, country, website, type, description, founded_year, hs_createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate, hs_object_id, is_public, timezone, total_money_raised, total_revenue, owneremail, ownername, numberofemployees, annualrevenue, lifecyclestage, createdate, web_technologies
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include when creating the company.
Additional Settings for COS Blog Post
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Blog URL* - Enter the URL of the blog where the post will be published.
Blog Author* - Specify the author of the blog post.
Publish This Post?* - Choose whether the post should be published immediately or drafted.
Slug* - Provide the slug for the blog post; this will be the URL extension of your post on the COS blog.
Blog Post Title* - Enter the title of the blog post.
Blog Post Content* - Input the full text content of the blog post.
Meta Description* - Write a brief meta description for SEO purposes.
Featured Image URL* - Provide the URL for the featured image that will appear with the blog post.
Additional Settings to Create Custom Object
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Type of Custom Object* - Specify the type of custom object to be created.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
hs_object_id, hs_lastmodifieddate, hs_createdate
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include when creating the custom object.
Additional Settings to Create Deal
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Deal Name* - Enter the name of the deal.
Deal Pipeline* - Specify the pipeline where the deal should be categorized.
Deal Stage* - Select the stage of the deal within the chosen pipeline.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
dealtype, dealname, amount, description, closedate, createdate, num_associated_contacts, hs_forecast_amount, hs_forecast_probability, hs_manual_forecast_category, hs_next_step, hs_object_id, hs_lastmodifieddate, hubspot_owner_id, hubspot_team_id
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include when creating the deal.
Additional Settings to Create Line Item
This action enables users to create a new line item in HubSpot, which is essential for managing detailed elements of sales transactions within the CRM.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Line Item Information: Product ID* - Specify the ID of the product for which the line item is being created.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
name, description, price, quantity, amount, discount, tax, createdate, hs_object_id, hs_product_id, hs_images, hs_lastmodifieddate, hs_line_item_currency_code, hs_sku, hs_url, hs_cost_of_goods_sold, hs_discount_percentage, hs_term_in_months
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include when creating the line item.
Additional Settings to Update Contact
This action allows users to update an existing contact in HubSpot, ensuring that the CRM records are always current.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Contact Email* - Enter the email address of the contact. This email is used to identify if a contact already exists; if so, the contact will be updated, otherwise, a new contact will be created.
Additional Settings to Create Product
This action enables users to create a new product in HubSpot, facilitating inventory and sales management within the CRM platform.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
createdate, description, name, price, tax, hs_lastmodifieddate
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include when creating the product.
Additional Settings to Create Ticket
This action allows users to create a new support or service ticket in HubSpot, enabling effective issue tracking and customer service management.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Ticket Name* - Enter the name of the ticket.
Ticket Pipeline* - Specify the pipeline to categorize the ticket.
Ticket Pipeline Stage* - Select the stage of the ticket within the chosen pipeline.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
subject, content, source_type, createdate, hs_pipeline, hs_pipeline_stage, hs_resolution, hs_ticket_category, hs_ticket_id, hs_ticket_priority, hs_lastmodifieddate, hubspot_owner_id, hubspot_team_id
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include when creating the ticket.
Additional Settings to Get Company
This action retrieves detailed information about a company from HubSpot, utilizing the powerful CRM to manage and analyze customer interactions and data.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Company ID* - Enter the ID of the company to retrieve information for.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
name, domain, industry, about_us, phone, address, address2, city, state, zip, country, website, type, description, founded_year, hs_createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate, hs_object_id, is_public, timezone, total_money_raised, total_revenue, owneremail, ownername, numberofemployees, annualrevenue, lifecyclestage, createdate, web_technologies
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include in the retrieval.
Additional Settings to Get Contact
This action retrieves detailed information about a contact from HubSpot, supporting comprehensive contact management and analysis within the CRM platform.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Contact ID* - Enter the ID of the contact to retrieve detailed information.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
firstname, lastname, email, company, website, mobilephone, phone, fax, address, city, state, zip, salutation, country, jobtitle, hs_createdate, hs_email_domain, hs_object_id, hs_lastmodifieddate, hs_person_id, hs_language, lifecyclestage, createdate, numemployees, annualrevenue, industry
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include in the retrieval.
Additional Settings to Get Custom Object
This action retrieves detailed information about a custom object from HubSpot, enhancing flexibility in managing unique data tailored to specific business needs.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Type of Custom Object* - Specify the type of custom object to retrieve.
Custom Object ID* - Enter the ID of the custom object to get detailed information.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
hs_object_id, hs_lastmodifieddate, hs_createdate
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include in the retrieval.
Additional Settings to Get Deal, Line Item, Product, Ticket
This action retrieves detailed information about a specific deal in HubSpot, supporting effective management of sales opportunities within the CRM.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Deal ID* - Enter the ID of the deal to retrieve detailed information.
Line Item IT*- Provide line item ID.
Product ID* - Provide product ID.
Ticket ID* - Provide ticket ID.
Optional Fields
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
dealtype, dealname, amount, description, closedate, createdate, num_associated_contacts, hs_forecast_amount, hs_forecast_probability, hs_manual_forecast_category, hs_next_step, hs_object_id, hs_lastmodifieddate, hubspot_owner_id, hubspot_team_id
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include in the retrieval.
Additional Settings to Remove Associations
This action allows users to remove existing associations between objects in HubSpot, such as disconnecting contacts from companies or deals, enhancing data management flexibility.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
From Object ID* - Enter the ID of the object from which the association is being removed.
From Object Type* - Specify the type of the object from which the association is being removed.
To Object Type* - Specify the type of the currently associated objects from which the association is being removed.
Type of the Association* - Define the specific type of association that is being removed.
To Object IDs* - Enter the IDs of the objects that are currently associated and from which the association is being removed.
Additional Settings to Remove Contact from List
This action enables users to remove a contact from a specific list in HubSpot, simplifying list management and ensuring accurate audience segmentation.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
List ID* - Enter the ID of the list from which the contact is being removed.
Contact Email* - Provide the email address of the contact to be removed from the list.
Additional Settings to Remove Email Subscription
This action allows users to unsubscribe a contact from email communications in HubSpot, helping manage marketing preferences and compliance with email regulations.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Email* - Enter the email address of the contact whose subscription is to be removed.
Additional Settings to Update Company
Select a connection - Choose an existing HubSpot connection.
Company ID - Enter the unique ID of the company to update.
Properties to retrieve - Displays a predefined list of company attributes available for retrieval.
Additional properties to retrieve - Specify extra company properties to fetch from HubSpot.
Additional Settings to Update Contact, Line Item, Product, Deal, Ticket
This action facilitates updating details of an existing line item in HubSpot, crucial for maintaining accurate and up-to-date sales data within the CRM.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Contact ID* - Provide contact ID
Line Item ID* - Enter the ID of the line item to be updated.
Product - Provide product ID
Deal - Provide deal ID
Ticket - Provide ticket ID
Optional Fields
Line Item Information: Product ID - Specify the product ID if updating the product-related information.
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
name, description, price, quantity, amount, discount, tax, createdate, hs_object_id, hs_product_id, hs_images, hs_lastmodifieddate, hs_line_item_currency_code, hs_sku, hs_url, hs_cost_of_goods_sold, hs_discount_percentage, hs_term_in_months
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to update for the line item.
Additional Settings to Update Custom Object
Select a connection - Choose an existing HubSpot connection.
Type of Custom Object - Select the custom object type from your HubSpot account.
Custom Object ID - Enter the unique ID of the custom object to update.
Properties to retrieve - Displays predefined attributes of the custom object available for retrieval.
Specify here a list of additional properties to retrieve - Define extra object properties to fetch from HubSpot.
Additional Settings to Create or Update Contact
Connection - Select an existing HubSpot connection or create a new one.
Setting up connection includes these steps:
Connection Name - Enter a name for this HubSpot connection.
HubSpot - Click Connect to authenticate and link your HubSpot account.
Save - Click to save the connection after authentication.
Contact Email - Enter the email address of the contact to create or update.
Additional Settings to Update File
Connection - Select an existing HubSpot connection.
Folder - Choose the folder where the file will be stored in HubSpot.
File Name - Provide the name of the file to be uploaded.
Access Level - Set the file's visibility and access permissions.
File - Upload the file to store in the HubSpot file manager.
Additional Settings to Find Associations
This action enables users to search for and identify associations between different objects in HubSpot, facilitating a better understanding of relational dynamics within the CRM data.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
From Object ID* - Enter the ID of the object from which associations are to be searched.
From Object Type* - Specify the type of the object from which the association originates.
To Object Type* - Specify the type of the target objects associated with the 'from' object.
Additional Settings to Find Company, Deal, Line Item, Ticket, Custom Object
This action allows users to search for company records in HubSpot based on specific properties, enhancing targeted data retrieval within the CRM.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
First Search Property Name* - Specify the name of the first property to use in the search.
First Search Property Value* - Enter the value for the first search property.
Type of Custom Object- Provide the the type of custom object.
Optional Fields
Second Search Property Name - Specify the name of the second property to use in the search (if needed).
Second Search Property Value - Enter the value for the second search property (if applicable).
Properties to Retrieve:
Default properties include:
name, domain, industry, about_us, phone, address, address2, city, state, zip, country, website, type, description, founded_year, hs_createdate, hs_lastmodifieddate, hs_object_id, is_public, timezone, total_money_raised, total_revenue, owneremail, ownername, numberofemployees, annualrevenue, lifecyclestage, createdate, web_technologies
Additional Properties to Retrieve - Specify other properties you wish to include in the retrieval.
Additional Settings to Find Product
Connection - Select an existing HubSpot connection.
First search property name - Choose the primary product property to search by.
First search property value - Enter the value of the primary product property.
Second search property name - (Optional) Choose a secondary product property for filtering.
Second search property value - (Optional) Enter the value of the secondary property.
Properties to retrieve - Specify the product details to be retrieved, such as name, price, or tax.
Additional properties to retrieve - (Optional) Add extra product properties to be retrieved.
Additional Settings to Get Owner by Email, ID
This action enables users to retrieve information about an owner (typically a salesperson or account manager) in HubSpot using their email address. It is useful for integrating owner details into workflows or for reporting purposes.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Owner Email* - Enter the email address of the owner to retrieve their details.
Owner ID - Enter the owner ID.
Additional Settings to Get Pipeline Stage Details
This action retrieves detailed information about a specific stage within a sales or service pipeline in HubSpot, aiding in the analysis and management of pipeline efficiency.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
Object Type* - Choose the type of object associated with the pipeline (e.g., deals, tickets).
Pipeline ID* - Enter the ID of the pipeline to which the stage belongs.
Stage ID* - Specify the ID of the stage for which details are to be retrieved.
Additional Settings for Custom API Call
This action allows users to execute custom API calls to HubSpot, providing the flexibility to interact with the HubSpot API for operations that are not covered by predefined actions in the system.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the HubSpot connection.
URL* - Enter the full URL to use, including the base URL for the API endpoint.
Method* - Choose the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) that corresponds to the API operation you need to perform.
Optional Fields
Headers - Add any necessary HTTP headers that need to be included with the API call.
Query Parameters - Add any required query parameters needed for the API call.
Body - Enter the body content for the API call, typically necessary for POST or PUT requests.
Optional Settings
No Error on Failure - Specifies whether errors should be ignored during the API call.
Timeout (in seconds) - Set a timeout for the API call, specifying how long the system should wait for a response before timing out.
Last updated