The Heartbeat component is an all-in-one platform for community businesses that helps monitor and alert.
How to Connect Heartbeat Component to ZBrain Flow?
To integrate Heartbeat with ZBrain Flow, follow these steps to select and utilize the desired capabilities:
Search for the Heartbeat Component: Search the Heartbeat component within the ZBrain interface.
Select the Required Capability: Select the desired capability from these:
Create User: Create a new user in a Heartbeat community.
Custom API Call: Send a custom API call to a specific endpoint.
Additional Settings for Creating User
Required Fields
API Key* - Select the API connection to authenticate the request.
Name* - Enter the full name of the user.
Email* - Provide a unique email address for the user.
Roles* - Select the role(s) that the user should have.
Optional Fields
Groups - Enter the group IDs the user should belong to.
Profile Picture - Upload an image (JPG, GIF, or PNG format) as a Data URI.
Bio - Provide a brief biography for the user.
Status - Enter the user's status message.
LinkedIn - Add a link to the user's LinkedIn profile.
Twitter - Add a link to the user's Twitter profile.
Instagram - Add a link to the user's Instagram profile.
Create Introduction Thread - If enabled and a bio is provided, an introduction thread will be created for the user.
Additional Settings for Custom API Call
This action allows users to make custom API requests to the Heartbeat platform, enabling advanced interactions beyond predefined actions.
Required Fields
API Key* - Select the API connection to authenticate the request.
URL* - Enter the API endpoint URL (e.g., https://api.heartbeat.chat/v0).
Method* - Select the HTTP method for the request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
Headers* - Add authorization and additional headers as key-value pairs.
Query Parameters* - Add query parameters as key-value pairs.
Optional Fields
Body - Enter the request body in JSON format for POST and PUT requests.
Timeout (in seconds) - Set a timeout duration for the request.
Optional Settings
No Error on Failure - Prevents errors from stopping the workflow.
Last updated