Components of ZBrain

Knowledge base

ZBrain's knowledge base serves as a comprehensive data repository for creating LLM-based applications. You can upload documents in the knowledge base in diverse formats such as PDF, TXT, CSV, JSON, DOCX, PPTX, or XLSX. You can also import data from sources like Web URLs, Webhooks, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Docs, ElasticSearch, Notion, MongoDB, ServiceNow, Confluence, Jira and more. This ensures comprehensive data connectivity and flexibility. The knowledge base provides your app with domain-specific information, enabling it to offer accurate and targeted responses.


ZBrain empowers users to create LLM-powered applications tailored to their specific needs, such as chatbots, content generation tools, customer support systems, question-answering tools, recommendation engines and more. Users can personalize the app’s features, responses, and operations, configure its settings, customize appearances, test app performance, and navigate key analytics. Both public and private apps can be developed and seamlessly integrated into an organization's internal workflows and customer-facing systems.

ZBrain Flow

ZBrain Flow is a low-code interface within the ZBrain platform designed to help businesses create and manage business logic workflows. Its user-friendly visual interface enables users to develop complex business logic by connecting multiple components, such as AI models, knowledge bases, different types of programming logic and helper methods, and third-party tools (Amazon S3, Slack, JIRA, Google Sheets) for building diverse GenAI applications. Advanced apps developed using ZBrain Flow enable businesses to streamline tasks, improve decision-making, and optimize operations across various departments, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

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