LinkedIn Actions
ZBrain provides Linkedin Actions component to automate actions within LinkedIn, allowing users to streamline processes such as posting updates, managing connections, and engaging with content directly through the platform.
How to Connect LinkedIn Actions Component to ZBrain Flow?
To integrate Linkedin with ZBrain Flow, follow these steps to select and utilize the desired capabilities:
Search for the Linkedin Component: Search the Linkedin component within the ZBrain interface.
Select the Required Capability:
Create Company Update: Publish a new update to a Company Page.
Create Share Update: Post a share update on LinkedIn.
Custom API Call: Make a custom API call to a specific LinkedIn endpoint.
Additional Settings for Create Share Update Feature
Allows users to post updates directly to LinkedIn, connecting and networking with professionals.
Connection: Select the LinkedIn connection option and account through which the update will be shared.
Text: Input the text content of your LinkedIn update.
Visibility: Choose who can see your update on LinkedIn, such as connections only or anyone on LinkedIn.
Image: Option to attach an image to the LinkedIn update.
Content - URL: Include a URL to share relevant content along with the update.
Content - Title: Provide a title for the linked content to add context to the URL.
Content - Description: Add a description for the content being shared to enhance engagement.
Additional Settings for Create Company Update Feature
Enables posting updates directly to a LinkedIn company page, facilitating engagement and networking with professionals.
Connection: Select the LinkedIn connection to use for posting the update.
Company Page: Connect to the specific LinkedIn company page (Account) where the update will be posted.
Image: Option to include an image with the update for visual impact.
Text: Input the main text content of your update to share with followers.
Content - URL: Attach a URL if the update is linked to external content.
Content - Title: Provide a title for the URL content to offer context and draw interest.
Content - Description: Add a brief description of the URL content to engage readers and provide insight.
Additional Settings for Custom API Calls
This component enables making custom API requests to specific LinkedIn endpoints, allowing for advanced and tailored interactions with LinkedIn's network.
Connection: Choose the LinkedIn connection through which the API call will be authenticated and made.
URL: Input the full URL of the LinkedIn API endpoint to which the custom call will be directed.
Method: Select the HTTP method for the API call, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
Headers: Add any custom headers needed for the API request. Authorization headers are automatically included from your selected connection.
Query Parameters: Add query parameters as key-value pairs to modify or specify the request. These are used to modify or add specifics to an API request, typically in GET requests. For example, if you are retrieving data from a database, you might specify certain filters or sorting orders. Query parameters are appended to the end of the URL with keys and their corresponding values.
Body: Input the body content for the API request, applicable for methods like POST or PUT.
No Error on Failure: Choose this option if you do not want the API call to be considered as a failure in case of an error response.
Timeout: Set a timeout for the API call in seconds, specifying how long to wait for a response before the request is considered failed.
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