Invoice Ninja
Online invoicing and billing software for small businesses. It is a source-available invoice, quote, project and time-tracking app built with Laravel.
This tool helps with its diverse capabilities, such as:
Create Task
Creates a task instance in Invoice Ninja for billing purposes.
Check Task Existence
Verify if a Task Already Exists
Get Client Details from email
Gets the client details if they exist by email.
Get Invoices
Gets data for invoices.
Get Report
Gets report data from InvoiceNinja.
Create Invoice
Creates an invoice in Invoice Ninja for billing purposes.
Create Client
Creates a new client in InvoiceNinja.
Create Recurring Invoice
Creates a recurring invoice in Invoice Ninja for billing purposes.
Perform Action on Recurring Invoice
Actions include start, stop, send_now, restore, archive, and delete.
Custom API Call
Make a custom API call to a specific endpoint
How to Connect Invoice Ninja to ZBrain Flow?
To integrate Invoice Ninja with ZBrain Flow, follow these steps to select and utilize the desired capabilities:
Search for the Invoice Ninja Component: Search the Invoice Ninja component within the ZBrain interface.
Select the Required Capability: Select the desired element as per your requirement.
Additional Settings to Create Task
This function allows you to create new tasks in Invoice Ninja, a free, open-source invoicing tool, directly from this interface.
Required Fields
Connection - Select your established connection to Invoice Ninja.
Task or Ticket Number (alphanumeric) - Enter a unique identifier for the task or ticket. This ID must not have been used before in Invoice Ninja.
Description of Task - Provide a detailed description of the task that will be performed or billed.
Optional Fields
Client ID (alphanumeric) - Enter the client's ID from Invoice Ninja if the task is associated with a specific client.
Project ID (alphanumeric) - Specify the project ID if the task is related to a specific project in Invoice Ninja.
Custom Hourly Rate - If different from the default rate set in Invoice Ninja, specify a custom hourly rate for this task.
Additional Settings to Check Task Existence
This function is designed to verify the existence of a task or ticket in Invoice Ninja, which is a free open-source invoicing tool.
Required Fields
Connection - Select your established connection to Invoice Ninja.
Task or Ticket Number (alphanumeric) - Input the alphanumeric ID of the task or ticket you want to check.
Additional Settings to Get Client Details from email
This functionality retrieves detailed client information using the client's email address. Invoice Ninja is a free open-source invoicing tool.
Connection - Choose your existing connection to Invoice Ninja.
Client email address - Enter the client's email address from which you need to fetch details.
Additional Settings to Get Invoices and Reports
These features allow you to retrieve invoices and reports from Invoice Ninja based on various filters such as invoice status or client ID.
Connection - Select the connection you have established with Invoice Ninja.
Invoice Status - Choose the status of invoices you want to retrieve (e.g., Paid, Unpaid, Draft).
Client ID - Optionally filter invoices by a specific client ID.
Max Results - Set the maximum number of invoices you want to retrieve; the default is 9999.
Report Type: Provide report type such as Invoices.
Additional Settings to Create Invoices
Connection: Select your connection to link Invoice Ninja with your current service setup.
Client ID: Enter the unique alphanumeric identifier for the client you are invoicing.
Purchase Order Number: Optionally provide a purchase order number for reference on the invoice.
Apply Discount: Specify a discount amount to apply to the total invoice; enter '0' for no discount.
Type of Discount: Choose whether the discount is a fixed amount or a percentage of the total invoice.
Public Notes for Invoice: Add any notes that will be visible to the client on the invoice portal.
Private Notes for Invoice: Include notes on the invoice that are only visible internally and not to the client.
Order Items JSON String: Input the order items in JSON format, specifying product keys and discount values.
Send Invoice to the Client by Invoice Ninja Email: Toggle whether to email the invoice directly to the client upon creation.
Mark the Invoice as Sent: Select this to activate the invoice and mark it as sent, changing its status from pending.
Invoice Due Date: Set the due date for the invoice payment.
Additional Settings to Create Client
Create Client - Connection: Select the connection to integrate with Invoice Ninja for client creation.
Client First Name & Last Name: Enter the first and last name of the client to personalize client records.
Client Contact No: Provide a contact number for direct communication with the client.
Client Email: Input a mandatory email address to link electronic communications and invoices.
Send Invoices to the Client: Toggle this option to automatically send invoices to the client's email.
Business Name: Fill in the business or natural person's name for formal documentation and billing.
Client Tax Number: Optional field for entering the client's tax identification number for tax purposes.
Private Notes for Client: Section for internal notes about the client that will not be visible to the client.
Client Address 1 & 2: Essential for invoicing and shipping, provide the primary and secondary addresses.
Client City/Town, State, Postcode: Specify the client's location details to complete the address for accurate billing and service delivery.
Additional Settings to Create Recurring Issue
Connection: Select your Invoice Ninja connection.
Client ID: Input the client ID for billing.
Purchase Order Number: Optional descriptive number or text.
Apply Discount: Enter a discount value, if applicable.
Type of Discount: Choose between a flat amount or a percentage.
Public Notes: Optional notes visible on the client portal.
Private Notes: Internal notes not visible to the client.
Order Items JSON String: Define items and discounts in JSON format.
Frequency of Billing: Set the billing cycle (e.g., monthly).
Number of Billing Cycles: Specify how many times the invoice should recur.
Override Frequency using Frequency ID: Optional setting to override billing frequency.
Invoice Next Send Date: Set the start date for the recurring invoice.
Invoice Last Sent Date: Record the last date the invoice was sent (for tracking).
Additional Settings to Perform Action on Recurring Invoice
Connection: Choose the Invoice Ninja connection you want to use.
Recurring Invoice ID: Enter the alphanumeric ID of the recurring invoice you want to modify.
Action to perform: These actions allow users to manage the lifecycle and delivery of recurring invoices directly through Invoice Ninja's interface.
Start: Initiates the recurrence of the specified invoice according to its schedule.
Stop: Halts any further recurrence of the specified invoice, suspending its schedule.
Send Now: Immediately sends the recurring invoice to the client, regardless of the scheduled timeline.
Restore: Reinstates a previously archived recurring invoice to active status.
Archive: Moves the recurring invoice to an archive state, suspending its active recurrence without deletion.
Delete: Permanently removes the recurring invoice from the system.
Additional Settings to Custom API Call
Connection: Choose the relevant Invoice Ninja connection for the API call.
Method: Select the HTTP method appropriate for the API call.
Headers: Add custom headers as required, integrated with your connection's authorization.
Query Parameters: Input specific parameters necessary for your API request.
Body: Write the JSON or text payload to be sent in the API request.
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