Google Tasks
Google Tasks is a task management tool by Google that allows users to create, organize, and track to-do lists across multiple devices. It integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace apps like Gmail and Google Calendar, enabling users to set due dates, add subtasks, and manage daily tasks efficiently. With its simple interface and cloud synchronization, Google Tasks helps individuals and teams stay organized and boost productivity.
How to Integrate Google Tasks with ZBrain Flow
To integrate Google Tasks with ZBrain Flow, follow these steps:
Click the ‘+’ Button
Locate and click the ‘+’ button in ZBrain Flow to initiate a new integration.
Search for Google Tasks
In the search bar, type "Google Tasks" and select it from the available integration options.
Choose an Action
Select the specific action you want to perform with Google Tasks (e.g., adding tasks, managing task lists, or making a custom API call).
Once integrated, ZBrain Flow can automate Google Tasks functions such as task creation, list management, and custom task-related workflows.
How to Connect Google Tasks to ZBrain Flow
To establish a connection between Google Tasks and ZBrain Flow, follow these steps:
Enter a Connection Name
Provide a unique name to easily identify your Google Tasks connection in ZBrain Flow.
Click ‘Connect’
Initiate the authentication process to connect Google Tasks to ZBrain Flow.
Log in to Google Tasks
A pop-up window will appear prompting you to sign in to your Google account.
Enter your Google credentials and authorize access to Google Tasks.
Grant Permissions
Approve the necessary OAuth permissions to enable ZBrain Flow to access and manage your Google Tasks.
These permissions allow ZBrain Flow to create, update, and delete tasks securely.
Save the Connection
Click ‘Save’ to complete the setup.
Once connected, ZBrain Flow can interact with Google Tasks to create and manage tasks in an automated manner, reducing manual effort.
Actions Available in Google Tasks Integration
1. Add Task
This action allows users to create new tasks in Google Tasks.
Configuration Steps:
Select an Existing Connection or Create a New One: Choose a pre-configured Google Tasks connection or create a new one.
Select the Task List: Choose the task list where the new task should be added.
Enter the Task Title: Provide a name for the task.
Enter Notes: Add extra details or instructions for the task.
Enable/Disable the ‘Completed’ Option: Toggle this option to mark the task as completed upon creation.
2. Custom API Call
This feature enables users to make direct API calls to Google Tasks, allowing for more advanced interactions beyond standard actions.
Configuration Steps:
Select an Existing Connection or Create a New One
Choose an active Google Tasks connection or set up a new one.
Enter the API Endpoint URL
Use the full API URL or the relative path to the base URL for the Google Tasks API.
Select the HTTP Method
Choose the appropriate HTTP request type:
GET – Retrieve details of tasks or task lists.
POST – Create new tasks or task lists.
PATCH – Modify existing tasks (e.g., update status, change details).
PUT – Replace task content entirely.
DELETE – Remove tasks permanently.
HEAD – Retrieve only response headers without fetching actual data.
Add Headers
Define any additional headers required for the API request.
Authentication headers are automatically included. Click ‘+ Add Item’ to add more headers.
Add Query Parameters
Customize API requests by adding filters or additional options.
Click ‘+ Add Item’ to include more parameters.
Enter JSON Body
Provide structured request data in JSON format for detailed API interactions.
Set Timeout (in Seconds)
Define the request timeout duration to prevent long-running API calls from stalling the process.
Note: Click 'f' to insert dynamic values for flexible configurations.
Last updated