Jira Cloud
JIRA Cloud is a cloud-based project management and issue-tracking platform developed by Atlassian, designed to help teams plan, track, and manage agile software development projects. It provides versatile tools to improve team collaboration, streamline workflows, and enhance productivity, all hosted on the cloud for easy access and scalability.
How to Connect Jira Cloud to ZBrain Flow?
To integrate Jira Cloud with ZBrain Flow, follow these detailed steps:
Step 1: Select Jira Cloud as Your Connection
Click on Jira Cloud in ZBrain Flow.
Provide the Instance URL that is the link to your Jira instance (e.g. https://example.atlassian.net)
Provide the email you use to login to Jira.
Provide the Jira API token for authentication. You can generate your API token from: https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
Click on the save button.
Step 2: Create Issue Form
This form is used to create an issue in Jira Cloud. The fields included in this form are:
Connection: A dropdown menu to select an existing Jira Cloud connection.
Project: A dropdown menu to select a Jira project where the issue will be created.
Issue Type: A dropdown menu to choose the type of issue (e.g., Bug, Task, Story, Epic).
Summary: A text field to provide a brief summary of the issue.
Description: A text box to add more details about the issue.
Assignee: A dropdown or search field to select the person responsible for the issue.
Priority: A dropdown menu to select the priority level (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
Parent Key: A field for specifying a parent issue if the new issue is a sub-task.
Step 3: Update Issue
This form is used to update an existing issue in Jira Cloud.
Required Fields
Project* - Select the Jira project where the issue belongs.
Issue ID or Key* - Provide the unique ID or key of the issue that needs to be updated.
Optional Fields
Issue Type - Choose the type of issue (e.g., Bug, Task, Story, Epic) if needed.
Summary - Modify the brief description of the issue.
Description - Add or update more details about the issue.
Assignee - Change or assign the issue to a specific user.
Priority - Update the priority level (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
Parent Key - If the issue is a sub-task, provide the parent issue’s key.
Step 4: Search Issues
This form is used to search for Jira issues based on specific criteria.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the Jira Cloud connection to use.
JQL (Jira Query Language) Query* - Enter a query to filter issues.
type = story and created > '2023-12-13 14:00'
This query retrieves all Story-type issues created after December 13, 2023, at 14:00.
Max Results* - Specify the maximum number of issues to retrieve (e.g., 50).
Optional Settings
Sanitize JQL (Enabled by default) - Ensures that the JQL query is formatted correctly.
Step 5: Assign Issue
This form is used to assign an issue to a specific user.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the Jira Cloud connection.
Project* - Choose the Jira project that contains the issue.
Issue ID or Key* - Enter the unique issue ID or key that needs to be assigned.
Assignee* - Select the user to whom the issue should be assigned.
Step 6: Add Attachment to Issue
This form is used to attach files to an existing Jira issue.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the Jira Cloud connection.
Project* - Choose the Jira project that contains the issue.
Issue ID or Key* - Enter the unique issue ID or key to which the attachment should be added.
Attachment* - Upload the file that needs to be attached.
Step 7: Add Issue Comment
This form is used to add a comment to an existing Jira issue.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the Jira Cloud connection.
Project* - Choose the Jira project that contains the issue.
Issue ID or Key* - Enter the unique issue ID or key to which the comment should be added.
Comment Body* - Enter the comment text that will be added to the issue.
Step 8: Update Issue Comment
This form is used to update a previously added comment on a Jira issue.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the Jira Cloud connection.
Project* - Choose the Jira project that contains the issue.
Issue ID or Key* - Enter the unique issue ID or key to which the comment belongs.
Comment ID* - Select the specific comment that needs to be updated.
Comment Body* - Enter the updated text for the comment.
Step 9: List Issue Comments
This form is used to fetch all comments linked to an issue in a Jira project.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the Jira Cloud connection.
Project* - Choose the Jira project that contains the issue.
Issue ID or Key* - Enter the unique issue ID or key for which comments should be retrieved.
Order By* - Select the order in which comments should be listed (e.g., Created (Descending)).
Optional Fields
Limit - Set the maximum number of comments to retrieve (default: 10).
Step10: Delete Issue Comment
This form is used to permanently delete a comment from an issue in a Jira project.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the Jira Cloud connection.
Project* - Choose the Jira project that contains the issue.
Issue ID or Key* - Enter the unique issue ID or key from which the comment should be deleted.
Comment ID* - Select the specific comment that needs to be deleted.
Step 11: Custom API Call
This form is used to send custom API requests to Jira Cloud.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the Jira Cloud connection.
Method* - Choose the HTTP method for the API call (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
Query Parameters* - Add query parameters as key-value pairs for the API request.
Optional Fields
Headers - Add custom headers if needed (Authorization headers are automatically applied from the connection).
Body - Provide the request body (for methods like POST, PUT).
Timeout (in seconds) - Set a timeout duration for the request.
Optional Settings
No Error on Failure - Prevents errors from stopping the workflow.
Last updated