Instagram for Business
Instagram for Business offers tools for managing and promoting business accounts on Instagram.
How to Connect Instagram for Business to ZBrain Flow?
To integrate Instagram for Business with ZBrain Flow, follow these steps to select and utilize the desired capabilities:
Search for the Instagram for Business Component: Search the Instagram for Business component within the ZBrain interface.
Select the Required Capability: Select the required capability from these:
Upload Photo: Upload a photo to an Instagram Professional Account.
Upload Reel: Upload a reel to an Instagram Professional Account.
Additional Settings to Upload Photo
This action allows users to upload photos directly to an Instagram business page, facilitating content management and social media engagement.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the connection to your Instagram business account.
Page* - Choose the Instagram page where the photo will be uploaded.
Photo* - Provide a URL for the photo you wish to upload. Note that the photo must be in JPG format.
Optional Fields
Caption - Enter a caption for the photo if desired.
Optional Settings
Continue on Failure - Allows the workflow to continue even if the photo upload fails.
Retry on Failure - Automatically retries up to four times if the upload process fails.
Additional Settings to Upload Reel
This action enables users to upload short video content, known as Reels, directly to an Instagram business page, enhancing engagement and visibility.
Required Fields
Connection* - Select the connection to your Instagram business account.
Page* - Choose the Instagram page where the Reel will be uploaded.
Video* - Provide a URL for the video you wish to upload. Note that there is a limit of 10GB or 15 minutes for the video.
Optional Fields
Caption - Enter a caption for the Reel if desired.
Optional Settings
Continue on Failure - Allows the workflow to continue even if the Reel upload fails.
Retry on Failure - Automatically retries up to four times if the upload process fails.
Last updated